Monday, August 23, 2010

Another day another surprise

Here we all are together just 5 weeks ago lets hope we get to take another happy picture soon.

Well Millie decided to role over this morning and take a layer of skin off her damaged eye. Vets in the afternoon.

I went to the dentist and came out in a state of shock 1,416.80 euros for two crowns - no bloody way. Its just 600 euros for each crown - in the UK £300 fitted. Here they want to saw off my teeth remove nerve and root canal and then insert metal (not gold I might add) posts at the cost of 202 euros per tooth - oh and they have to do both even though one is not loose. After much rooting around on the internet I found out why they need to do the two and saw off the teeth - if they try to remove the tooth where the crown is set so well it will snap the tooth off.

Everything I have read is contradictory to what they want to do so I will be holding off until I get further advice.

Millie came to the vets with me and Caleb and now has to increase treatment to 8 times a day with eye washes in between - here is hoping that its successful. Of course I had to burst into tears in the vets (who was rather shirty with me) and blubber "monsieur j'adore la chien". He rubbed my arm rather embarrassed and said she has been lucky so far I am sure she will be okay. Its so sad to see her - but hey her appetite is back and today the lovely Danny (ginger cat) came to see her and she greeted him in her usual manner - no you do not want to know - lhasa's can be confused.

Jess is making a late supper, Caleb is starving and Mike will not eat this late oh dear here we go again.

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