Saturday, October 17, 2009

Saturday 17 October

So another week of trying to get over the bronchitis but I am nearly there. I have lost heart in the garden but must not complain as the weather has been wonderful the sun keeps shining and we have had two beautiful frosty mornings this week. I really must make the Christmas Cake this Sunday and Mike is working away in the hallway putting skirting tiles along the bottom edge of the wall - bless him.

Caleb is glad to be 5 and happily playing on his Nintendo DS - and we are just plugging away at the renovations in the kitchen 3 walls lined now and as soon as I can I will post pictures. Finished another short scarf and now getting ready to start another.

We have been given a small Robspiere fire (1930's) this week so Mike is going to repair it and put it in my workroom - warmth at last.

I have now cut and figured out how to do Nicola's curtains to match the others - what a complicated way to make curtains - and I will make them next week. I am determined to finish my commissions this year. I am looking forward to spinning alpaca and weaving very shortly.

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