Monday, July 19, 2010


Jill Fitzgerald, Patsie Fear, Cristi Gibbons Molard
Creations Uniques Textiles et Papier
Galerie Tremel, 22570 Gouarec
17 - 25 July
Mon-Fri 14-18h
Weekends 11-18h

So another exhibition week begins. I have spent the weekend with my dear friend Jill Fitzgerald O'Connor and spent time with Cristi - have been well informed on the reasons why Monsieur Sarko is not good for the country and now understand a little more why people are aginst him. I have met the most generous people who forgave my rather inadequate French and liked my work a great deal what more can a body want - good company, good food and a good time. The weather is balmy and its lovely to be home again with my family - Caleb is as gorgeous as ever and everyone had cleaned up for me so just trying to update the blog now and hopefully post a picture.

I managed to purchase some rather nice items from a sale and have now hanging on the line a provencal wool filled quilt (double sized) in the most amazing yellow chintz with tiny roses on one side and plain yellow on the other. As soon as the camera is ready I will take a picture and try to show it to you.

I have finished the Initial for dear Celia's pillowslip and now need to post it out to her for her birthday together with picture of the family group. Bear (the collie) is finding the weather rather warm and Miss Millie is wearing a pair of Caleb's outgrown pants as protection as she is on heat - Poppy is somewhere else in the cool. The hens are waving their wings in front of their faces to keep cool - almost.

Well I will post again as soon as I can.

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