1. All animals are born with an equal claim on life and the same
rights to existence.
2. All animals are entitled to respect. Humanity as an animal species
shall not arrogate to itself the right to exterminate or exploit
other species. It is humanity's duty to use its knowledge for the
welfare of animals. All animals have the right to the attention,
care, and protection of humanity.
3. No animals shall be ill-treated or be subject to cruel acts.
4. All wild animals have the right to liberty in their natural
environment, whether land, air, or water, and should be allowed to
procreate. Deprivation of freedom, even for educational purposes, is
an infringement of this right.
5. Animals of species living traditionally in a human environment
have the right to live and grow at the rhythm and under the
conditions of life and freedom peculiar to their species. Any
interference by humanity with this rhythm or these conditions for
purposes of gain is an infringement of this right.
6. All companion animals have the right to complete their natural
life span. Abandonment of an animal is a cruel and degrading act.
7. Animal experimentation involving physical or psychological
suffering is incompatible with the rights of animals, whether it be
for scientific, medical, commercial, or any other form of research.
Replacement methods must be used and developed.
8. No animal shall be exploited for the amusement of humanity.
Exhibitions and spectacles involving animals are incompatible with
their dignity.
9. Any act involving the wanton killing of the animals is biocide,
that is, a crime against life.
10. Any act involving the mass killing of wild animals is genocide,
that is, a crime against the species. Pollution or destruction of the
natural environment leads to genocide.
I saw this on another blog today and had to put it here - reasons are:
Dear Miss Millie had her eye removed 10 days ago after we took a second opinion from a good vet. The original accident was our fault but the treatment meated out to MM was inadequate if not down right negligent. The fact of the matter is that if I had not had the intelligence to contact the Blind Dogs Association on Yahoo I would not have known what to do - thank God for the internet. They have been a tremendous support mechanism as has my daughter and husband and some friends - other friends just seemed to see it as a chance to sort out my life for me - strange way of helping I thought.
Anyway enough of that Miss Millie is doing so well no that she is out of danger - her sense of humour and stubborness have come back and she took Jessica down to the lakes yesterday and brought her back up to the house. She is currently mapping her way around the property and becoming a real handful again.
Caleb went back to school and is horrified that he has to do homework (I am only 5 and a half nana I am not prepared). Here you inspect their books each evening and correct their mistakes and he had to sign a contract of rules regarding behaviour (as each child does in France) and this was countersigned by his mother.
Jess is still on the look for a horse and may very well have found one - hooray. She is off this afternoon for a riding lesson bless her and the lovely Mike (yes I do mean that) has taken her.
Mike is fighting wasps nests, hornets nests and barn roofs for a pastime at the moment and I am getting ready for another exhibition which was sneakily sprung on me damn it.
We are all looking forward to seeing Phil and Gemma next week and I must press on as I now have to vacuum.